Hej, drage moje! Danas sam odlučila pisati o top 5 makeup proizvoda koje silno želim nabaviti.
Hello, guys! For todays post I decided to write about top 5 makeup products that I want really, really bad.
1. Freedom Blush in Banish
Meni je boja ovog rumenila izvan ovoga svijeta! Najbolje kako bih ju ja mogla opisati jest prašnjava ruža. Boja izgleda divno i ako pogledate swatcheve na internetu, mislim da ćete biti oduševljeni isto ovoliko koliko i ja.
The color of this blush is out of this world! The best way I can describe it is that it looks like dusty rose. The color looks amazing and if you see the swatches on internet, I think you will be just amazed as I was.
2. Freedom Pro lipstick in Game on!
Ovaj ruž je meni zapeo za oko još davno prije, ali sada kada ga imaju na Pink Pandi, ja sam oduševljena! Boja je breskvasto roza, lagana i prozračna, što se meni sviđa najviše.
I had my eye on this lipstick for ages now and when I heard that they sell it on Pink Panda I was so excited! The color is peachy pink and it looks so light, which I like the best.
3. Freedom Pro lipstick in Juicy lips
Ovaj ruž je za samo par nijansi tamniji od prethodnog, ali me boja svejedno oduševljava. Pomalo podsjeća na onu Kyle Jenner boju.
This lipstick is just a few shades darker from that one before, but I am still in love with this one too! It reminds me on that Kyle Jenner color.
4. Freedom highlighter and bronzer in Meow
Ruku na srce, prvo što me ovdje privuklo jest dizajn. No, dizajn na stranu, kad sam pogledala kako on izgleda kad ga naneseš odmah sam znala da ga moram imati!
To be honest, the first thing I noticed was design on this. But, besides design, when I saw how great it looks when you put it on, I knew I had to get it.
5. Makeup Revolution Iconic Pro 2
Ova paleta je zasigurno duplić Naked 2 paleti koja je dvostruko skuplja od ove. Ne moram ni pričati kako su boje ovdje divne, zar ne? Boje mi se najviše sviđaju radi toga što bi s njima odlično naglasila svoje plave oči.
This palette is definitely the dupe for Naked 2 palette, which is twice this price. I don't have to even say how beautiful are these colors, right? I like them most beacause they would bring out the blue in my eyes.
Ovo je moja top 5 lista, nadam se da vam se svidjela i sve što sam ovdje navela možete pronaći na Pink Pandi. Koja je vaša top 5 lista?
This is mine top 5 wishlist, I hope you liked it and everything from this post you can find on Pink Panda. What products are on your top 5 wishlist?
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5 komentari:
Želim ovaj ruž!
Vjerujem, predivni su oboje!
This is such a lovely post!
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